We Deliver A Highly Efficient Marketplace With Robust Security Solutions

  • Powerful Performance
  • Scalable
  • Secure

Empower Your Marketplace With Yo!Kart

  • Scalable InfrastructureYo!Kart has robust infrastructure to hyper-scale your business. The platform is responsibly developed considering cost perspective to deliver scalable business solutions while exceeding performance expectations.
  • Fully Customizable Yo!Kart is built with tremendous flexibility in mind to fit all your business needs. Get personalized design and functionality for your marketplace with its fully customizable platform.
  • Easily ExtendableDo more with easily extendable infrastructure of Yo!Kart. Our platform has a tightly bound library with an in-house encrypted framework that is natively built to implement extensions for future growth.

Robust Marketplace Ecosystem

By definition, robust means exhibiting strength and Yo!Kart platform displays just that. From startups to billion-dollar enterprises, the platform is developed to cater to all eCommerce business needs. It has the potential to transform your brand.

Robust Marketplace Ecosystem

High Security & Performance

Experience highly secured solutions and faster loading speeds with Yo!kart. Our eCommerce platform is designed to deliver optimized multi-vendor solutions with better performance.


Yo!Kart system is developed using LAMP stack technology and delivered in an encrypted form which makes it less prone to known security threats. Also, the complete library is tightly bound, making it impossible to hack or run the code on any domain without our license.

Restricted SQL injection

SQL injection is a commonly used web hacking technique to enter fraudulent SQL commands via web page input. Yo!Kart platforms are designed to restrict SQL injection, preventing attackers from tricking the application into executing a fraudulent SQL code.

SSL and PCI Compliant

Enable a secure connection from the webserver to the browser with an SSL certificate. Yo!Kart developers have the credence to seamlessly integrate the SSL certificate into the server.

Restricted Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS is a major security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute a script in the user’s browser through the web application. Hackers exploit this vulnerability to bypass the user’s access controls. Yo!Kart platform restricts cross-site scripting for good.

Restricted Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF also termed as a one-click attack is a security vulnerability that forces an end-user to perform unintended actions on a web application they’re currently authenticated. It allows attackers to bypass the same-origin policy - designed to prevent different websites from interfering with each other. Yo!Kart platform restricts such attacks.

Handled Sensitive Data Exposure

Weak/no encryption, software flaws, or data upload to an incorrect database, each scenario may result in sensitive data exposure. This data could be credit card numbers, phone numbers, user account information, healthcare data, and more. Yo!Kart platform is designed to handle sensitive data with minimal hassle.

3rd Party Payment Processing

Yo!Kart saves no credit card data or other financial information on the eCommerce marketplace. Instead, the third-party payment gateways integrated into Yo!Kart securely handles such information without delay. This protects an online marketplace from any breaches or attacks to its customer’s financial data.

Data Validation and Sanitization

A validation check ensures that the input received is both correct and useful. Plus, data sanitization modifies the input to maintain correctness and ensure the data is valid. Both data validation and sanitization are natively built into Yo!Kart marketplace platform.

Broken Authentication

Broken authentication refers to web security vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to take over one or more user accounts. With Yo!Kart, these vulnerabilities are down to minimal. We have implemented robust security solutions to prevent hackers from hijacking session IDs or stealing login credentials to impersonate a user identity.

Restricted Direct Access To Folder/Files

Yo!Kart platform is developed using an in-house framework and delivered in an encrypted form. All framework directories, files, and assets are secure and not accessible via a web browser. Direct access to files/folders is strictly restricted to authorized/licensed users.

System Passcode

Our multi-vendor platform is natively built to offer assistance to remove default passwords completely from the eCommerce marketplace. Licensed users can easily set up new passwords and manage rights directly from the admin backend.

Yo!kart License

To set up a new online marketplace powered by Yo!Kart, the user needs a license issued/provided by the FATbit team. This increases security and prevents unauthorized users from accessing the code. Also, our core library files are encrypted while the rest of the files are available for modification.

In Terms Of Loading:
Performance Test

Yo!Kart platform goes through 1000+ tests during automated testing. It has passed usability testing, security testing, database testing, mobile testing, and even A/B testing. The multi-vendor platform is tested for over 1 million products and 250+ concurrent users with a 100% pass rate.

Google Tag Manager

Reduce the number of required outside calls for web page loading with Google Tag Manager. It is a tag management system that condenses all store tags in one place and speeds up your page loading. Yo!Kart platform comes integrated with Google Tag Manager for better performance.

Optimized System Files

Unoptimized images, larger file sizes, and certain file types can slow down your website speed. To maintain better performance in terms of loading, it is important to optimize your system files appropriately. Yo!Kart allows licensed users to optimize system files from the backend.

In Terms Of Conversion:

Yo!Kart platform comes integrated with ElasticSearch - a distributed document-oriented search engine designed to store, retrieve, and manage all types of data (structured, unstructured, geospatial, and more). This feature helps fetch the required search query within 10 ms boosting user retention and conversion.

Abandoned Cart Solution

Cart abandonment is a growing concern for eCommerce stores as many consumers add products to cart but never proceed to checkout. Yo!Kart features an "Abandoned Cart" option in the admin dashboard that enables the licensed user to keep track of abandoned items, manage abandoned carts, and generate discount vouchers to attract customers via email.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

A Progressive web app improves user experience (UX), reduces load time, and allows offline browsing on the current page. Once installed, the user goes straight to the website after tapping the icon. Yo!Kart is PWA compliant, empowering businesses to become omnipresent for their customers.

Know more about the features and benefits of
Yo!Kart Multivendor Platform
Let's Explore
Uni Diamonds Yo!Kart based marketplace
Online B2B Diamond Trading Marketplace

UNI is a diamond business-to-business (B2B) trading eCommerce marketplace that enables the buyer to search, compare, value, bid, and buy diamonds.

View Case Study

Third-Party Tools & APIs Integrated With Yo!Kart

Yo!Kart platform comes pre-integrated with many third-party APIs to enhance your eCommerce marketplace and boost business by providing users with purposeful tools. Scale-up with the endless array of customizations supported by Yo!Kart.

PayPal integration in Yo!Kart
Google Analytics integration in Yo!Kart
Mailchimp integration in Yo!Kart
Shipstation integration in Yo!Kart
twilio integration in Yo!Kart
*T&C Apply |
Disclaimer i All products and company names are trade/service marks of their respective holders. By using their brand name, logos/ badges we do not hold any ownership or partnership and is solely for representation purposes.
Power Up Your Multivendor eCommerce Marketplace with Yo!Kart
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