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Secrets of Creating a Killer Ecommerce Marketplace Logo: Revealed


Crafting a logo for a business is a task that brings ample amount of excitement and challenges. It all begins with understanding the importance of the logo, and that’s exactly when it hits us, creating a logo is not remotely close to easy. It doesn’t matter whether a logo in question is going to be a new one or a revision/update of an old one, doing it right the first time is as difficult as doing it right the second time. But in the end, it all boils down to this: every business needs a logo that echoes their brand and also tells the tone and personality of the company.

Logos mark such a strong presence that kids who haven’t learned to read and write, know which logo means ice cream and which one is for their favorite toy. As an ecommerce marketplace owner, this is the presence you want to have among your audience. And for that, you need a logo that speaks for you. When it comes to direct marketing vs brand marketing, branding always performs better. In this post, we are going to reveal the guide to branding as well as the secrets of creating a logo that takes your game to the next level. Read along…

1.The Logo Should Resonate With Your Business

This is the prerequisite while planning a logo for your business. The basic idea is to make sure the logo carries the message you want to portray, clearly and subtly. See how brilliantly Amazon tells they sell almost everything on their marketplace, or how FedEx has an arrow in the negative space between the E and x. These small innovative ideas tell a lot about the company. Know what you want to say, integrate the message in the design of your logo, and you’ve got a winner.

2. Simplicity Is the Key

It’s of prime importance that the logo you create for your ecommerce marketplace is easy to identify and remember. While it’s our natural tendency to add a lot of details to a logo, it is the simple and minimalistic design that gets engraved in audience’s mind easily and quickly. Simple logos are catchy, and their image easily sets in the mind at the first glance, so stick to a simple design.

3. Don’t Lose Patience

This particular point is of high importance as it determines the fate of a logo. Many times, people have faced a tough time in figuring out a logo, and in their struggle, they decided to “just go with this one”. Don’t fall in this pit. A logo sits at the core of the business, and a wrong choice can mar your brand image before you can say blueberry pie. Do not settle; take your time to find the right one.

4. Keep Logo Type in Consideration at All Times

The type of logo you want for your ecommerce also depends on how you want it to be. Ray-Ban and Coca-Cola are brands with a Wordmark logo, while Nike, Shell, Volkswagen, etc. have symbolic logos. Amazon has done a brilliant job by choosing to go for the “a” with the famous “A to Z” smiling arrow. When it comes to ecommerce marketplaces, it’s all about using the right color kind of logo to instigate the desire to log in and buy something.

5. Do Not Compromise on Originality

We have always inclined towards a brand, and we have a special admiration for its logo. Sometimes, we are so much in love with a particular brand that we find it hard not to follow their footsteps. It all sounds fair; after all, imitation is the best form of flattery. But doing so in case of copyrighted material can land you and your business in a soup. Originality is not only a legal requirement but also important for credibility. “Oh, the one that looks like Amazon’s?” would be a memory recall not good for your brand image. Additionally originality does always results in substantial ROI for an ecommerce business. Your business idea may not be original, but that shouldn’t stop you with building a completely original company, one which has completely unique presence.

6. It Should Stand The Test of Time

Some companies change their brand logo because they’ve been in business for a long time and the logo needs a refreshing touch. For newcomers and people who haven’t had a company logo yet, need to make sure they don’t need to iterate their logo designing process too often. So you need to make sure the design of your company’s logo adds value to your business for a long time, without needing regular editing.

7. It Must Be Scalable and Versatile

Versatility of a logo pertains to its aesthetics and integrity across various display channels. From web to print to mobile websites, the logo should deliver a consistent user experience to your audience. Anything less than that won’t be good enough to let you achieve an overall presence and prominence. Scalability pertains to the size of the logo. It should be legible look great, no matter the size. It’s important because different media will need a different logo size. Expanding it or contracting it shouldn’t interfere with readability and user experience.

8. Understand the Impact of Colors

Colors have a lasting impact on viewers. There is an entire branch of psychology dedicated to the effect of colors on branding. Here’s a hint: Red is associated with hunger, Orange with confidence, warmth, energy and friendliness, Yellow to grab attention, Purple with royalty, luxury, beauty, spirituality and wisdom, and so on. Make sure the color you choose is in sync with the nature of your business.

9. Don’t Lose Patience

Nope, this one is not writing or proofreading mistake. The Don’t Lose Patience up there is about deciding a logo. This one is about the wait to let the logo do its work. Making an impact on people does not happen overnight. Everything takes its time, has its own course. Yes, digital marketing is an effective way to propagate awareness among masses, but trust, brand value and logo identification will come in its due course of time. Don’t lose patience; let the logo do its work.

Suggested read – YoKart Guarantees Scalability & Performance of Your Ecommerce Store


Logos have been around us so much that we don’t need to give much of a thought to know which one belongs to what company. The ease with which we associate with them has made us take logos for granted. The game changes when it comes to finding the right logo for our own business. That’s when we get to realize how difficult it is to find the one right logo. The secrets we revealed above will be helpful in paving your road to the perfect logo. This is going to be a creative journey, so remember to have a plenty of fun, too!

Want to know how to use Logo for effective marketing?

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